Showing posts from 2015
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Your Daily Blessing The world is full of people who have never, since childhood, met an open doorway with an open mind. - E.B. White Ninety-nine percent of people allow others to mine their mind 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They sell their mind to the highest bidder instead of learning the art of manifesting within. It's okay to make mistakes. You need your mistakes. Your mistakes are making you into something wonderful. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are the eternity and you are the mirror. - Kahlil Gibran When you stop letting your ego get out of control and stop comparing yourself to others you will find that you will get everything you want. You will find yourself with a lot more than most and then you will find yourself wanting to help others get there too.
Soldier With a Backpack Living and Dying Simultaneously
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T his video is an eye-opener to the truth about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. I know we have to see and do things differently if we want a better future for our children. I am asking you to consider what truth I have to share. If not for me, do it for our soldiers, for our children and the world as a whole. We can have a better presence, we just have to do things for the right reasons. Join me in changing the world one person at a time. I know we are better than this.
Soldier With a Backpack Living and Dying Simultaneously
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We are facing a world crisis that will continue to grow as long as we deny the power of love. The lack of love breeds a ground for war. Where there is war, we find desperation. Each soul is born to bear love. No love means no life. The world is a cancerous monster right now denying love. There is no way we can move forward and have hope for the future for our children if we do not face this epidemic. What has happened to Paris is a reality check for mankind to seek a better way to exist. God and Love are one and the same vibration. The lack of it in any individual soul is creating a future of extinction. We must ask ourselves why we have so much trust in the world’s knowledge when it is contrary to love and togetherness. Our soldiers go to war, return home to a war they can not win because they would go to jail and to hell for defending themselves against selfish and greedy people. They walk on land filled with h...
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LIVE YOUR PURPOSE When you wake up in the morning, you should be helping God wake you up because you have a strong desire to get on with your day. Purpose is the acceptance of being in the world but not of it. You trust God with your life, you listen to guidance. The world does not seem as noisy anymore. Purpose creates an awesome center for you to exist in, and in that circle is a brilliant light giving you a peace the world can not give. It gives you a healthy obsession to act on a strong desire for good. When we are centered, stress becomes lessen because we are not pulled from every possible direction of doing. We let go of unnecessary activities, conversations, people and we seek to make our selves more available for results. Our purpose can change over the years preparing us for greater purposes of sacrifice. Not that the purpose is grander in contents as it is in size. There is no greater purpose than being a parent esp...
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My mother-in-law always told me in order to reach the top in life, someone must see good in you. Your good can be shared with the world when the right person reaches out and take your hand. When this happens, you know God was instrumental in making the encounter possible. Whatever is for you in life will come to you. Just make sure you are prepared to receive it. Each one of us have something uniquely special to give to others. There are people waiting for your good to be shared with them. Whatever you have going on inside of you prompting you do or say something, you should do it because what you have is needed in someone’s life to help them reach a better state of being. Be your best self at all times knowing you are drawing more good into your life and the lives of others. Let your unique light so shine that others may see God in you. You are a very important presence no matter how much time has been spent ign...
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All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed. The first step in the”renewing of the mind” is desire. You must want to be different (and intend to be) before you can begin to change yourself. Then you must make your future dream a present fact. You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled. By desiring to be other than what you are, you can create an ideal of the person you want to be and assume that you are already that person . If this assumption is persisted n until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable. – Neville Goddard
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FIFTY YEARS LATER I REVEALED MY BACKPACK AND TODAY, I HAPPILY OWN IT! I am a living witness, it pays to know your total self. There is so much to us. We are truly multidimensional in the unseen realities of ourselves. It is best we each learn to spend time with ourselves and explore our vibrations, feelings, thought processes and follow our inner pain see what's really going on twenty four seven. I own everything about me. I realize there is so much about me that makes me a unique presence in this world. I love me with all my heart and soul. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is actually our soul surviving the pains of life. The more we are determined to nurture ourselves inside and out the more we find the best way to deal with occurrences of discomfort. If you know yourself well enough, and are conscious of the terrors of memories embedded in our invisible realities, you can develop the best way to silence the nightmares. ...
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Today we are going to slow down and see how important we are to our self. We need our self to learn, grow and love. What is needed by everyone is space to see. When our lives are filled with clutter of things, people and activity, we cannot see the forest for the trees. Facing the world today, we are going to set everyone free to be just who and what he or she may be. Let the God they serve give them what they deserve. No longer are our views of what seems best for others are going to control our actions if we see early on it does not make a difference. It comes a time when becoming less because we're reaching for others is not acceptable. Instead, we are going to keep the strong strong by respecting, acknowledging, nurturing and blessing them in unique ways revealed by our hearts. No longer are we going to drag the weak because usually the weak are selfish and use our compassion as a means of obtaining what they are ...
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When I knew I had a truth about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I wanted a solid confirmation of it. David Morris’ book “The Evil Hours” is the encyclopedia, Medical Manual and Spiritual Source of Truth in one book. This man wrote this book with a vengeance and he took no prisoners. I am a firm believe to give credit where credit is due. I take my hat off to David. He has a very powerful heart and determination to bring understanding and facts about PTSD. With his personal experiences and his comrades’ take on the journey makes it quite a great experience to read his findings. If you want a degree in knowing this disorder, his book will give it to you. I was so thankful it found its way into my life. Like my book, “Soldier With A Backpack Living and Dying Simultaneously”, we share our take on PTSD because we care about our fellowman. We can be at a better place when we know somebody besides yourself gets it. ...
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Elissa Gabrielle with Sharel E. Gordon-Love and Linda D. Wattley 1 hr · Congratulations to Linda D. Wattley of After the Storm Publishing (a division of Peace in the Storm Publishing) on debuting on the Amazon Best Sellers List in the Top 100 for her new book which released today "Soldier with a Backpack: Living and Dying Simultaneously!" Soldier With a Backpack: Living and Dying Simultaneously (After The Storm Publishing Presents) SOLDIER WITH A BACKPACK – Living and Dying Simultaneously Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the hidden love killer, is instrumental in creating a world of… AMAZON.COM When I received the above message, I cried for joy because what this told me is people want a better state of being. People still have hope in humanity and themselves. I wrote "Soldier With A Backpack Living And Dying Simultaneously" with the understanding somewhere out there in the world someone was waiting for a message that could put us in a better place among ou...
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When I look at my life today, I am thankful for having two wonderful sons who have grown up to be two spiritual and strong young men. I have to be honest and admit I find it quite amazing how God blessed our journey for the outcome brings me to tears. I was widowed at the age of twenty-seven. Their father was stripped from our lives suddenly due to a car accident. The last words he shared with me was how proud he was of the mother I was to his children. It was these last words I carried deep into my heart. Because of those words, I was determined to keep him proud of me even in his grave. My sons had male figures in their lives, uncles, cousins, grandfathers and teachers. Not one grandfather or none of the above accept a teacher added something positive in their lives. It was a teacher and this teacher is still blessing their lives today. He is not a black man, a coach who came into their lives early during their middle school years and he never left their side. Somehow we...
Single Mom Raising Sons
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+ When I look at my life today, I am thankful for having two wonderful sons who have grown up to be two spiritual and strong young men. I have to be honest and admit I find it quite amazing how God blessed our journey for the outcome brings me to tears. I was widowed at the age of twenty-seven. Their father was stripped from our lives suddenly due to a car accident. The last words he shared with me was how proud he was of the mother I was to his children. It was these last words I carried deep into my heart. Because of those words, I was determined to keep him proud of me even in his grave. My sons had male figures in their lives, uncles, cousins, grandfathers and teachers. Not one grandfather or none of the above accept a teacher added something positive in their lives. It was a teacher and this teacher is still blessing their lives today. He is not a black man, a coach who came into their lives early during their middle school years and he never left their side. Somehow we...
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I woke up this morning thankful to be alive. God allowed me to come out of my sleep and have a new day! I turn on my television to quickly learn gunfire once again killed innocent people. An innocent child at home with her family shot in the chest. Innocent students murdered by bullets from the hands of a quiet gunman supposedly killing people because they were Christians. These people’s families and friends are traumatized and shocked. They were not in Iraq or Afghanistan. They are right here in the United States of America. Our soldiers risk their lives as they seek to learn whether the child, woman, old man etc. is the enemy. They have to make decisions nonstop and quickly to kill or be killed and hope the shot victims was the enemy. Their decision to kill is because they are in a war zone. They are fighting a war. They have witnessed endless casualties of their comrades being shot and blow...
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Order yours today We live in a world that promotes Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Lifestyles dictate for us to push and push all day long just to say we are not lazy and we are doing the best we can. Each time we walk out the door of our homes, we enter into a real live war zone. People are so stressed out, unhappy, and unhealthy because of priorities and a need for acceptance. It has proven there are so many ways to die, car accidents, bullets, falls, natural disasters, suicide etc. We have to stand guard against other human beings because we do not know who is a walking time bomb. The universal reality is we are all fragile. We all are losing comfort zones needed to remain healthy and strong. Just when we think it is safe, someone is murdered by the hand of another person or raped, robed, kidnapped, abused etc. We are all accessible to victimization. How do we walk on earth without fear of attack, death, violations and being at the wrong place at the wrong time? ...
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They called all that negativity going on during the debate competing to win the highest position in America. Seriously, any outsiders watching what makes us a country had to feel pretty good, seeing how divided we are as a nation, it will be very easy to conquer us with simple strategy. I couldn't believe these people really wants to be the President of the United States. Why? Don't they remember how aged and weathered the presidents look exiting the White House? It wasn't just President Obama who took a whipping, look at President Clinton and Bush. They still haven't recovered. Why would anybody subject themselves to such horror. The debate went on and on only seeking more ways to ambush their own brethren, Donald Trump. What we saw was Trump the Savior become as human as the others. You would have thought he would have been done that night. But no, people in America still have hope he can save them from the wrath we endure from our g...
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If I had a daughter I would tell her to understand she is a gift from God. I would instill that in her from the day she is born. There would be no competition between us as far as winning daddy’s affections or proving I am the better female. I would tell her there was a time it was considered a curse to have a daughter verses having a son. But that time is over because now the female child can be adored, respected and looked upon as intelligent. I would tell her to always know she is a unique creation of God and God is something or someone deep in her heart. I would teach her to value this invisible presence at all times and to shield it from the temptations of the world. First and foremost she must always understand that boys are totally different than girls in more ways than just physical. I would let her know each year of her life requires a different understanding of the male species. First of all, the boy is a hunter and he thrives to satisfy his senses. It is human nat...
Thank You
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How often have we been told to give thanks in all things? Quite often I am sure especially when we are struggling and going through difficult times. Recently, I have come to learn the solid significance of these words. But, it was not until I had risen out of my own suffering. Ephesians 5:20 tells us to give thanks for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This scripture saves us every time we find ourselves and our loved ones in unexplained situations of struggle and pain. The last time I attempted to say thank you for my struggle I found myself hypocritical because my saying thank you was not genuine. I was not thankful for taking on another struggle. I was tired of being on the battle field. I wanted out of the vicious cycle of surviving in a world so filled with tribulations. But God reminded me of something. I was here because he wanted me here. My suffering was not in vain. He reminded me of how excited I was when I survived my la...
Letter to a Racist
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Dear Racist, First of all I want to thank you for reading my letter. You do not know me and I don’t know you but I have felt your presence many times. Yesterday I started my day thanking God for waking me up and allowing me to have a job. There was a warm and grateful smile on my face as I greeted strangers I passed as I walked through the parking lot to enter the doors to my job. As I turned the corner to get on the elevator, I was greeted with a dark, cold and fearful unseen vibration that made me wonder if Satan himself had entered the building. I took a deep breath and proceeded to get on the elevator. With a smile on my face I pushed the button to the floor I was heading to. In the meantime there I was just you and me. You stood there like you were made out of stone definitely was not giving up any eye contact. You just stood in the elevator as far from me as you could almost as if you were not breathing. Looking up w...