We are facing a world crisis that will continue to grow as long as we deny the power of love. The lack of love breeds a ground for war. Where there is war, we find desperation. Each soul is born to bear love. No love means no life. The world is a cancerous monster right now denying love. There is no way we can move forward and have hope for the future for our children if we do not face this epidemic. What has happened to Paris is a reality check for mankind to seek a better way to exist. God and Love are one and the same vibration. The lack of it in any individual soul is creating a future of extinction. We must ask ourselves why we have so much trust in the world’s knowledge when it is contrary to love and togetherness. Our soldiers go to war, return home to a war they can not win because they would go to jail and to hell for defending themselves against selfish and greedy people. They walk on land filled with h...